Friday, April 26, 2013

Final Results

After going to three restaurants i did come to the conclusion that younger kids and teens use their phones ALOT... even compared to adults they are on their phones constantly which can be rude in social situations.  I noticed that at Houlihans and Applebees there was a few adults on their phones but only for a few seconds but the kids were on their phones for minutes just constantly looking down and checking them.  This is worrying because how are they going to develop social skills when they get older? I saw a few times even parents giving their kids ipads/iphones to keep them quiet.  This was extremely confusing to me because how are these kids ever supposed to learn to talk and socialize with people if all they know is to go on their phones or ipads.  All together this observation was very beneficial to me because i learned that what people are concerned about is true, young children and teens are being socialized with technology and are starting to lack social skills.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Revised Summary and Plan

So what i have done so far is i've gone to two different restaurants.  One called Seasons 52 which was very nice and Houlihans which is nice but not as fancy as the first.  At each place i timed people who were on their cellphones or other types of technology.  So far the fancier restaurant, Seasons 52, only had one child on a phone, but he was on the phone the entire night! Houlihans there was only about 6 kids/ teens on their phones for about an hour and then 4 adults for about 15 minutes.  I still have to go to applebees to finish my observation but so far it seems that younger kids are on their phones a lot more in social situations.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Plan for my Research

My plan for the naturalistic observation is that i am going to go to 3 restaurants.  A very nice one, and then applebees, and houlihans.  I have already done the research in the really nice restaurant and will be going to the two others this upcoming week.  What i am doing is looking for younger people (kids, teens, young adults) who are on their phones/ipads etc. during dinner.  I am going to time how long each person is on it and i will be counting how many people were using their phones and what not.  I will also be writing down their ages and genders.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Project Summary

For my project i am going to do a naturalistic observation.  I want to see how many kids and adults use technology when they are out in public.  I plan on going to three different places, a mall and two restaurants to see how many and how long people will be using technology.  I will mostly be looking for kids using ipads to play games or teens and parents using their phones.  I want to see if technology is really taking over people's lives even when they are out to eat or socializing in public.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Attention and Memory in children who use technology

In the article how technology is changing the way kids think and focus the author discusses how technology will lower our attention levels and memory.  It was stated that reading books and actual hand printed texts helps a person memorize and pay more attention rather then just reading something online.  He used an anology saying that reading is like scuba diving where you have to focus more and can see the deeper meaning (which is a good thing) and that technology (the internet) is like jet skiing; you only get quick things of information from surfing the web and are less likely to remember most.   It was also said that children who watch a lot of tv will have a short attention span and lack of imagination.  I feel like i can really agree with this author.  The points he makes about the internet ring true to me because even i notice that studying for a test from something online i tend to remember less then when i have something printed out for it.  Also if im on the computer during class in most cases i pay less attention to whats going on in the classroom and more attention to whats going on on my computer.  I feel like all of this technology really does slow us down and makes our memory worse.  The generation behind us is going to grow up depending on technology and they will never really have to pick up a book because their books will soon be online.  I am an advocate for reading because i feel like reading is necessary to learn and without it learning just won't be the same.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Children and play

I recently read an interesting article called Is technology sapping away children's creativity?  Through most of the article it discussed that not a lot of studies have been done with children and technology but with the few they have noticed certain things that are happening.  With all of the new technology it is taking away from kid's "play".  It is said that our most important times as a child are when we go out and play and make new friends and learn new things everyday.  Games and apps on ipads, tablets and other electronics are taking away from children.  They spend most of their time playing these games and really never get out and experience anything anymore.  This was shocking to think because as a kid i always would go out and play on my block and to think that doing this is becoming something that is basically unknown is alarming.  It also said that these games really do take away from a child's creativity because they are doing things that "the programmer" wants them to do.  The games they play on these electronics are not made up by them but by someone else so they start to lack creativity.
It is a very scary thought that technology is starting to really take over children's lives now a days.  It is even scary to think that parents are okay with letting it happen.  They sometimes will just give them a game to play so they dont have to deal with the problem.  The sad part is that technology can't be taken back and what is happening to the children of our society can't be changed.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Children with technology... good or bad?

In a recent article I just read from the New York Times Antisocial Networking.  In this article I found out that teens and kids spend about 7 1/2 hours a day on phones or the computer.  Researchers do not know for sure how it will affect kids because they haven't done enough research.  But what i found interesting about this article were the people arguing for and against technology.  I was surprised to find that a lot of parents were okay with their kids always being on their phones.  Some parents think that its easier for them to make plans with and get in touch with them through texting.  Other parents like it because sometimes their kids are shyer and it is easier for them to branch out and make more friends.  But on the other side parents thought that their kids aren't making as good of connection as they did when they were kids.  Reading this made me really think about how kids on their phones all the time might be a good thing.  These parents brought up good points and I thought about how personally its so much easier to just text my mom from where i am then call her.  I am very split on this situation and i feel like having technology all the time is something that can be good or bad just depends on the circumstances.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How tv shapes our development

In the article Youth Culture Window at the bottom they talk about how tv now a days exposes teens and children to sex at an earlier age.  75% of primetime shows have sexual content in them and only 14% of these shows mention the risks of sexual activity.  It alarming to really realize how much sexual content is on shows.  I know most teenagers obviously know what sex is about but younger children are starting to watch shows like MTV more then ever and when you think about it how many times is sex referenced there?  This article also says the earlier exposure to sex and sexual lyrics in songs leads to early sexual intercourse and more teen pregnancy.  Kids are being so immune to seeing it on their televisions that they watch every day and they start to not think of it as a big deal.  Now that television can also be on your phones and even laptops more kids are able to have access to these kind of shows which will lead to worse things.  Children are so glued to portable electronics and devices it is nearly impossible for them to not hear or see sexual content in what they are doing.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Impact of technology on children's brains

This video is about how children's brains are changing through technology.  Computer games have more abstract techniques so they can process information but they don't have a lot of "understanding knowledge". Social Networking desensitizes people and they start to lack empathy and the doctor also said that someone's identity might not be clear.  This is a scary thought because kids now are always going to want to be acknowledged for what they are doing because on the computer then can get responses from other people fast and they can tell people what they are doing in seconds.  Its also alarming that kids will start lacking feelings because they are not used to interacting with other kids face to face.  If they can always be playing games online or on Facebook then they don't have to make connections with people in the real world anymore.  So when they start to grow up they really don't understand certain body language that people have and they really lack empathy.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Social Development

In the article I read about Social Development of Children I was shocked to read about some of the facts and statistics that they were stating.  The article talked about how kids who are always on facebook and texting are starting to really lack social skills because they aren't used to face to face contact. These kids find it easier to just talk online because if they were face to face with another person its harder to come up with things to say and they aren't really used to socializing.  The article also said that teenagers send on average 2,000 text messages per month.  If you really think about it, that is so many messages being sent and thats only the average.  Individual teenagers probably send about 6,000 text messages a month. I personally am starting to realize how many texts I probably send in a month and it is alot.  We dont notice or think its a big deal because it so common to be texting all the time.  But in reality its going to have a negative effect on us because we can barely socialize with people because we are so used to not talking in person!  Studies have really shown that our generation is dependent on these technologies and even if we tried to stop it would probably be harder then we thought.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Introduction to Childhood Socialization: Technology

Hello everyone my name is Kerry and my topic is Childhood Socialization: Technology.  What I will mainly be focusing on in my topic is how technology is affecting children as they grow older, and how technology has really molded our society into a place where everything has to be done quick and right this second.  With all of this new technology kids are starting to really lack social skills, writing skills, and even patience. Technology is something that kids and even adults are becoming attached to.  Sometimes technology can be good for a growing child and other times it really is not.