Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How tv shapes our development

In the article Youth Culture Window at the bottom they talk about how tv now a days exposes teens and children to sex at an earlier age.  75% of primetime shows have sexual content in them and only 14% of these shows mention the risks of sexual activity.  It alarming to really realize how much sexual content is on shows.  I know most teenagers obviously know what sex is about but younger children are starting to watch shows like MTV more then ever and when you think about it how many times is sex referenced there?  This article also says the earlier exposure to sex and sexual lyrics in songs leads to early sexual intercourse and more teen pregnancy.  Kids are being so immune to seeing it on their televisions that they watch every day and they start to not think of it as a big deal.  Now that television can also be on your phones and even laptops more kids are able to have access to these kind of shows which will lead to worse things.  Children are so glued to portable electronics and devices it is nearly impossible for them to not hear or see sexual content in what they are doing.

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